Our Mission

As a result of ALA not having its own baseball field, the 2022-23 High School season did not materialize. In addition, our parents were tasked with transporting the middle school players to an offsite field for each practice and game. I have made it my mission to raise enough money to help all of us reach our goal of having our own home field at ALA! If you would like to donate, we have set up our own fundraiser and we would appreciate all of your help and support!

View Fundraiser

Meet the Athletic Directors

ALA's Athletic Director(s) are the ALA faculty managing all sports progams which includes both High School and Middle School baseball teams! As athletes, we owe everything to our Athletic Director and Faculty for bringing sports to ALA!

Meet the AD's


Check out the team roster for the 2022-23 ALA High School season. Our Roster is our way of letting everyone know who plays on the team, who helps manage the team, and who helps this program succeed!



Risers are our current 8th grade players that will be starting the 2023-24 school year as ALA Freshmen and High School baseball players! We do encourage you to check out this page as it will give you a preview of next years team!

Meet the Risers